

Adam's Needle

African Boxwood

Alphonse Karr Bamboo

Anthony Waterer Spirea

Native Plant

Apache Plume

Native Plant

Apricot Mallow

Arcadia Juniper

Native Plant

Arizona Flattop Buckwheat

Native Plant

Aromas Sage

Australian Bluebell Creeper

Australian Fuchsia

Australian Grass Tree

Australian Rosemary, Coast Rosemary

Australian Tea Tree

Autumn Joy Sedum

Autumn or Texas Sage

Azurea Bush Germander

Baby Sage

Native Plant

Baja Fairy Duster

Native Plant

Banana or Blue Yucca, Datil

Bar Harbor Juniper

Bearberry Cotoneaster

Big Bend Yucca

Black Dalea cv.

Native Plant

Black Sage

Native Plant

Blue Blossom Ceanothus

Native Plant

Blue Bush Sage

Native Plant

Blue Elderberry

Blue Haven Juniper

Blue Hibiscus

Blue Pfitzer Juniper

Blue Rug Juniper

Bougainvillea, Barbara Karst

Bougainvillea, Camarillo Fiesta

Bougainvillea, Jamaica White

Bougainvillea, La Jolla

Bougainvillea, Lavender Queen

Bougainvillea, Rosenka

Bougainvillea, Torch Glow

Bougainvillea, White Madonna

Bowles Mauve Wallflower

Native Plant

Brewer's Saltbush


Native Plant

Brittlebush, Desert Encelia

Buffalo Juniper

Native Plant

Bush Anemone

Bush Germander

Bush Morning Glory

Native Plant

Bush Poppy

Butterfly-Iris, Fortnight Lily

Native Plant

California Buckwheat

Native Plant

California Coffeeberry

Native Plant

California Lilac

Native Plant

California Sagebrush

Canberra Gem Grevillea

Candicans French Lavender

Native Plant

Canyon Gray Sagebrush

Cape Honeysuckle

Cape Mallow

Cape Plumbago

Caper Bush

Native Plant

Carmel Creeper

Carnival Lantana

Native Plant

Catalina Cherry

Native Plant

Cedros Island Verbena

Native Plant

Cedros Island Verbena

Native Plant

Centennial Coyote Brush

Native Plant

Centennial Mountain Lilac

Native Plant

Chaparral Mallow

Chaste Tree

Chinese Holly or Holly Grape

Christine Lantana

Native Plant

Chuparosa, CA Beloperone

Native Plant

Cleveland Sage

Native Plant

Coast Silktassel

Native Plant

Coastal Scrub Oak

Collingwood Ingram Rosemary

Native Plant

Common Manzanita

Compact Karo

Compact Myrtle

Native Plant

Concha California Lilac

Native Plant

Conejo Buckwheat

Native Plant

Coyote Bush

Native Plant

Coyote Bush Prostrate

Crape Myrtle

Crape Myrtle, Assorted Varieties

Native Plant

Creeping Mahonia

Creeping Mirror Plant

Crimson-Spot Rockrose

Crown Of Thorns

Native Plant

Curl-leaf Mountain Mahogany

Cushion Sageleaf Rockrose

Dbl. White Lady Banks' Rose

Donkey Tail, Burro Tail

Dwarf Basket-of-Gold

Dwarf Carolina Laurel Cherry

Native Plant

Dwarf Coyote Bush

Dwarf Heavenly Bamboo

Dwarf Japanese Barberry

Dwarf Japanese Barberry, Pygmy

Dwarf Japanese Garden Juniper

Dwarf Pomegranate

Dwarf Strawberry Tree

Native Plant

El Dorado Gold Fremontia

Elephant's Food, Elephant Bush

Native Plant

Elizabeth Bush Anemone


Native Plant

Evergreen Currant

Native Plant

Fairy Duster

Fan Aloe

Fan Flower

Feathery Cassia or Senna

Flameleaf Sumac

Native Plant

Flannel Bush

Native Plant

Flannel Bush, Fremontia cv.

Native Plant

Foothill Penstemon

Fountain Grass

Frades or Compact Escallonia

Freesia, Tecolote (strain)

Freeway Daisy

Fruitland Silverberry

Native Plant

Fuchsia-Flowering Gooseberry

Gaiety Girl New Zealand Tea Tree

Garden Geranium

Geraldton Wax Flower

Germander Sage

Giant Bird Of Paradise

Giant Timber Bamboo

Gloriosa Yucca, Spanish Dagger

Glossy Abelia

Gold Spot Euonymus

Native Plant

Golden Abundance Mahonia

Native Plant

Golden Currant

Golden Elaeagnus

Golden Pfitzer Juniper

Golden Sword Yucca

Golden Wonder Senna

Graberi Pyracantha

Gray Gleam Juniper

Gray Honey Myrtle

Green Lavender Cotton

Grevillea Hybrid

Ground Cover Natal Plum

Gulf Stream Heavenly Bamboo


Hawaiian Elf Schefflera

Heart-Leaf Flame Pea

Helene Strybing Manuka Tea Tree

Hidcote English Lavender

Native Plant

Hollyleaf or Islay Cherry

Hollywood Twisted Juniper

Homestead Purple Verbena

Honey Bush

Hopseed Bush

Native Plant

Howard McMinn Manzanita

Native Plant

Hummingbird Sage, Pitcher Sage

Huntington Carpet Rosemary

Hybrid Tea Rose (selections)

Hybrid White Rockrose

Incana Cranesbill

Indian Hawthorne

Indian Mallow

Irene Rosemary

Native Plant

Island Bush Poppy

Native Plant

Island Tree Mallow

Ivory Bells Australian Fuchsia

Jade Plant

Japanese Garden Juniper

Jerusalem Sage

Jerusalum Sage lanata

Native Plant

John Dourley Manzanita

Native Plant

Jojoba, Goat Nut

Native Plant

Joyce Coulter California Lilac

Native Plant

Julia Phelps California Lilac


Kanooka Box, Water Gum

Native Plant

Ken Taylor Flannel Bush, Fremontia

Ken Taylor Rosemary

Lalandei Pyracantha

Native Plant

Laurel Sumac

Lavender Cotton

Lavender Swirl TM Lantana

Lemon Verbena

Native Plant

Lemonade Berry

Lilac Melaleuca

Lilac Vine, Coral Pea

Lily of the Nile

Lion's Tail

Lipstick Verbena

Little Ollie Dwarf Olive

Little White Oleander

Native Plant

Louis Edmunds Manzanita

Lynn's Legacy, Rio Bravo Bush

Majorica Pink Rosemary

Native Plant

Manzanita Emerald Carpet

Native Plant

Manzanita, Dr. Hurd

Marguerite Daisy, Paris Daisy

Marjorie Channon' Pittisporum

Native Plant

Matilija Poppy

Mediterranean Tree Mallow

Mexican Bird Of Paradise

Mexican Bush Sage

Mexican Weeping Bamboo

Monterey Bay Blue Hibiscus

Moonlight Sage

Myers Asparagus


Myrtle, True Myrtle

Nandina, Heavenly Bamboo

New Gold Trailing Lantana

New Zealand Christmas Tree, Pohutuk

New Zealand Flax

Noell's Grevillea


Orange Sedum

Orchid or Purple Rockrose

Otto Quast Spanish Lavender

Native Plant

Our Lord's Candle

Native Plant

Pacific Madrone

Native Plant

Pacific Mist Manzanita

Native Plant

Pacific Sunset Flannel Bush

Native Plant

Pacific Wax Myrtle

Patriot TM Lantana Classic-Passion

Petite Pink Oleander

Petite Salmon Oleander

Native Plant

Pine Hill Flannel Bush

Pineapple Guava, Feijoa

Pink Abelia

Pink Autumn Sage

Pink Coral Rockrose

Pink Lilac Vine

Pink Melaleuca

Native Plant

Point Reyes Bearberry

Pony Tail or Bottle Palm, Beaucarne

Pork And Beans

Powis Castle Artemisia

Prostata Juniper

Prostrate or Spreading Acacia

Prostrate Rosemary

Provence Lavender

Native Plant

Pt. Sal Spreader Purple Sage

Native Plant

Purisima Island Tree Mallow

Purple Delight Lilac Hibiscus

Purple Haze Blue Hibiscus

Purple Hopseed Bush or Hop Bush

Native Plant

Purple Sage

Purple Smoke Tree


Radiance Flax

Radiation Lantana

Rain Cloud Texas Ranger

Native Plant

Ray Hartman California Lilac

Red Bird Of Paradise, Dwarf Poincia

Red Clusterberry Cotoneaster

Native Plant

Red Flowering Currant

Red Leaf Japanese Barberry

Red New Zealand Flax

Red Rose Penstemon

Red Star Autumn Sage

Red Star Cordyline

Red-Edged Chevron Plant

Rhaphiolepis Pink Lady


Native Plant

Royal Beard Tongue

Royal Purple Smokebush

Ruby Glow Manuka

Sageleaf Rockrose

Saltillo Sage, Coahuila Sage

Sandhill Sage, Coast Sagebrush

Sansanqua or Sun Camellia

Santa Barbara Daisy, Mexican Daisy

Santa Cruz Blue Hibiscus

Native Plant

Santa Cruz Island Buckwheat

Santa Rita Prickly Pear

Saratoga Laurel

Scandia Juniper

Sea Lavender, Statice

Native Plant

Sentinel Manzanita

Shore Juniper

Shrub Rose

Silver Cloud Silverleaf

Silver Jade Plant

Silver Wormwood

Snow White Flowering Tea Tree

Soaptree Yucca

Native Plant

Sonoma Sage, Creeping Sage

Native Plant

Southern Pink Flowering Currant

Spanish Bayonet

Spanish Lavender

Native Plant

Spice Bush

Spineless Yucca


Spreading Acacia

Sprenger Asparagus

Native Plant

St. Catherine's Lace

Sticks on Fire Pencil Tree

Sticks on Fire Pencil Tree

Native Plant

Sticky Monkey Flower

Strawberry Guava

Strawberry Madrone

Native Plant

Sugar Bush

Native Plant

Sulfur Flower

Native Plant

Sunset Manzanita

Sunset Rockrose

Sweet Hakea

Sweet-Pea Shrub

Swiss Mountain Pine

Tea Tree

Tea Tree Red Damask

Texas Ranger, Texas Sage, Cenizo


Tower of Jewels

Native Plant


Trailing Germander

Trailing Yellow Lantana

Native Plant

Tree Lupine

Tuscan Blue Upright Rosemary

Tuttle Dwarf Natal Plum

Valentine Spotted Eremophila

Variegated Century Plant

Variegated Common Myrtle


Native Plant

Western Redbud

Wheeler's Dwarf Pittosporum

White Autumn Sage

Native Plant

White Flowered Currant

White Rockrose

Native Plant

White Sage, Sacred White Sage

White Trailing Lantana

Native Plant

Winifred Gillman Blue Sage

Native Plant

Woolly Blue Curls

Native Plant

Wright Buckwheat


Native Plant

Yankee Point California Lilac

Yellow Bells, Yellow Elder

Yellow Bird Of Paradise

Yellow Bush Lantana

Yellow Cotton